Biosciences, Medicine, and Healthcare

The bioscience and healthcare industries are expanding at a breakneck pace. It’s a chance to find, develop, and deliver cutting-edge medications, medical devices, and healthcare technology. Precision medicine and biomarkers, diagnostics, health information technology, neurosciences, cancer research, and algae and plant-based genetic research are some of the areas where it focuses.

The Medical and Bioscience Research course is a hands-on, inquiry-based research course that includes a laboratory component in health and biosciences. Students will work with business partners on laboratory projects involving tissue cell culture (for example, cancer cells, animal cells, or plant cells), DNA, natural product discovery, protein and cellular regulation, and diagnostic tests for bacteria, food contamination, and fungal disease, among other topics. These biotechnology ideas are applicable to all disciplines of health and bioscience study, including medicine, biology, and chemistry. Students will learn how to use biotechnology tools such as incubators, laminar flow hoods, pipet method, gel electrophoresis, purification, and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

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